Monday, February 25, 2008

Chilly ride

What do people do in South Dakota when the mercury rises to 45 degrees in late February? Go for a bike ride, of course!

Tracy suggested we try out the Chariot bike jogger/trailer he bought me shortly after we learned Baby Koskan was on the way. We didn't have a kiddo to tote around, but that didn't stop us. We grabbed Lucy the Wonderdog and pedaled down to Winter Street (i.e. Main Street) in Keystone, which, come to think of it, is essentially Keystone's only street. And it will probably be the only time Lucy's allowed to run down the town's main drag without a leash. The pooch was in love. I swear I heard the strains of "Born free ..." coming from one of shops.

I can't wait for our little guy to arrive and grow big enough to ride behind Mom or Dad in the Chariot. It's one sweet ride! We returned home just in time to avoid the rain, which eventually turned to snow and sent our mild temperatures packing. Lucy, who ran the entire way, was dog tired and immediately plopped down on our coats. We're anxious for the weather to clear so we can go again.

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