Monday, February 18, 2008

Who says you need all this stuff?

Baby Koskan now has the green light (almost) to make his grand entrance. We've got the goods. Baby stuff. Burp cloths and onesies with annoying statements like, "If you think I'm cute, you should meet my daddy (seriously, who writes this stuff -- canned Hallmark writers?)" Binkies and blankets. And much to the relief of family and friends, a crib.

With four weeks and counting until D-Day, Tracy and I were making more than a few people nervous by not having a crib. Apparently there are unspoken deadlines for purchasing this stuff. I must have unsuspectingly breezed through the fine print when we drew up the baby contract last summer. Telling people we would just swing by Target and pick up a crib on the way to the hospital didn't go over well.

So world, rest at ease. Baby Koskan will not be wrapped in swaddling clothes and laid in a manger upon his homecoming. He'll have a sweet crib to chill in.

Like he would know the difference.

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