Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Any day now ...

OK. Seriously. This kid can come any day now. Mom and Dad are ready already. I'm officially unemployed. Friday was my last day of work. I've cleaned the house a dozen times and thought about cleaning it a dozen more. How many times can a person clean out their closets?

My doctor tells me the baby is so low that it should be a quick delivery. Too bad "quick" and "painless" aren't one and the same.

My little brother celebrates his 23rd birthday today. He's rooting for his sister to deliver today. Apparently Uncle Matt thinks it would be cool to share this, the day of his birth, with his nephew. And, he points out, 03.05.08 would be easy to remember because 03+05=08.

I'll try my best not to disappoint, Mattchew.

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