Friday, September 5, 2008

Goodbye, summer!

Tracy and I thought we would wrap up the official last week of summer by taking Reagan out on the water one last time ... before cooler fall temperatures set in. Chilly Labor Day weekend weather beat us to the punch, so we settled for a bike ride. Reagan loves riding in his Chariot, so he didn't mind the change of plans, as evidenced by that big grin.

Welcome, fall!


Erin said...

Wow your kid has the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen!

What a heartbreaker!

healyhome said...

We love the pictures! Thanks for sharing him with us. We are always excited to see him!
Love you guys!
Aunt Joni, Uncle Matt & kids

Emily said...

He is DARLING!!!!!!! And to look at you, I swear he has been adopted and you did not just birth a child.
Much love and congrats,