Saturday, May 24, 2008

The Koskans head south

Tracy, Reagan and I flew to Phoenix last week. I had an appointment at the Mayo clinic in Scottsdale. It was time to see a specialist for my dystonia.

We decided we should make a mini-vacation out of it as long as we were down there. So we took in a Diamondbacks game at Chase Field, toured the Grand Canyon, sampled a few good restaurants and hung out by the pool. Reagan loved chillin' out poolside in his cool new board shorts (thanks, Nana!). And he was such a trooper about flying. He never made a peep the whole way down and back.

1 comment:

Jess.Pollard said...

i love those shorts. Thanks for the call on Sunday, i've been thinking about you. Let's catch up this week. Love ya, JESS