Friday, April 11, 2008

One month ago today ...

... Reagan Michael arrived kicking and screaming. It's hard to believe the little guy has been a part of our lives that long. The weeks have flown. And they'll continue to fly, I suppose. He's grown and changed so much since Tracy and I brought him home.

I can't tell you exactly how much he weighs or measures. The only thing I have to go by are his clothes, the smallest of which are starting to get a little snug.

Here's to many more months of feeling blessed.

1 comment:

Jess.Pollard said...

OH MY GOSH...I LOVE the new picture. thanks for the comment, sorry to hear about MAYO. that's a pain. Can't wait to see you guys and get our D on...meaning vitamin D while walking. Oh D...oh ya, Turton