Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Master Reagan, your Chariot awaits ...

The pile of instructions that came with our Chariot recommend waiting several months before taking infants out for a ride. But this last week was just too pretty to follow some manufacturer's instructions. So we bundled our little bundle of joy up, threw in a few pillows for extra padding and went on our way.

Reagan snoozed the whole time. And Lucy? Well, she practically pulled me and the lad along.

April showers

The funny thing about having children ... suddenly, presents addressed to you and your hubby are no longer for you. They're for your chillins.

Tracy and I have been so blessed by the generosity of friends and family who have showered our little guy with gifts. Reagan's wardrobe is covered through 18 months. Many thanks to "Auntie" Amy Engwall (pictured with Reagan), who threw a shower for Reagan on April 3, and "Camp Grandma" Marilyn Kallander, who threw a shower for Reagan on April 8. Master Koskan scored lots of cool stuff!

Hey, at least I got to open the gifts.

Friday, April 11, 2008

One month ago today ...

... Reagan Michael arrived kicking and screaming. It's hard to believe the little guy has been a part of our lives that long. The weeks have flown. And they'll continue to fly, I suppose. He's grown and changed so much since Tracy and I brought him home.

I can't tell you exactly how much he weighs or measures. The only thing I have to go by are his clothes, the smallest of which are starting to get a little snug.

Here's to many more months of feeling blessed.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Numero Dos

Lucy the Wonderdog has some competition of late: Reagan.

Tracy and I jokingly refer to our cocker spaniel as "the granddog." My parents spoil her. I'm talking spa-like treatment. So much so that when Mom and Dad take Lucy on the weekends, Lucy is said to be going to "the spa."

Now that an actual grandchild has arrived, Lucy is no longer No. 1. She is Numero Dos, as my little brother Mattchew likes to call her of late. Or just Dos.

But as you can tell by the photo, the pup still holds a special place -- and a spot on the couch -- in the grandparents' hearts.

Giving Reagan back

Dear Reagan:

In case you stumble across this blog when you are old enough to use the Internet (which should be in about three months, at the rate kids are grasping technology these days) and wonder why Mom would even entertain the thought of giving you back, please read further. You're not going anywhere, kid. At least until after you finish high school.

The book of I Samuel opens with Hannah asking God for a son. She promises to give the boy back to God if God grants her request. God does bless Hannah with a child. Hannah keeps her word and brings Samuel to live with Eli, a priest, when he is a small boy.

Like Hannah, your father and I gave you back to God on Sunday. Our church held a child dedication service, and you were dedicated along with four other tots. You probably won't remember anything from that day because you slept through the entire service. But you made Mom and Dad so proud because you didn't cry when we handed you to Pastor Gregg.

God entrusted you to us for a time. But, like Samuel, you were never ours. You are His. Our prayer is you grow to love and follow hard after God during the short time you are in our care. Trust us, buddy, it will go quick. You're already three weeks old today.

We love you,

Mom and Dad